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E-Verify Self Check System Introduction

Supreme Court, Columns, Washington, DC iStock_000000229793XSmall Supreme Court, Columns, Washington, DC iStock_000000229793XSmall

Supreme Court, Columns, Washington, DC iStock_000000229793XSmallThe US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has proposed a self-checking version of their E-Verify Employment Verification System tool. DHS created the E-Verify Self Check (Department of Homeland Security/United States Citizenship and Immigration Services—SORN DHS/USCIS—013 E-Verify Self Check System of Records) to assist US individuals in verifying their own legal US work authorization.

USCIS E-Verify Self Check will be voluntary and available to any individual who wants to check his or her own US work authorization status prior to US employment and to facilitate the correction of potential errors in federal government databases that provide inputs into the USCIS E-Verify Employment Verification process.

When an individual uses E-Verify Self Check, s/he will be notified either that (1) his or her information matched the information contained in federal government databases, and she or he would be deemed US work-authorized; or (2) that his or her information was not matched to information contained in federal government databases, which would be considered a “mismatch.” If the information was a mismatch, he or she will be given instructions on where and how to correct his or her record(s).

The E-Verify Self Check system will be included in the DHS inventory of record systems.

E-Verify Self Check will be effective March 18, 2011, and will be rolled out in phases.

For more information see Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 32 / Wed, Feb 16, 2011.