Kirberger PC: a boutique law firm providing US visa and immigration services since 1998.


Temporary Visas


US Embassy London O-1 Visa and P Visa Reissuance

Filed October 14, 2010 under US Consulate and US Embassy , tagged , ,

Richard I Coeur de Lion, London Parliament 153666818The US Embassy London has advised that certain O-1 visa or P visa applicants who have held an O-1 visa or P visa in the past may be eligible to apply for the Visa Reissuance Program, and may obtain a new O-1 visa or P visa without an interview with a US consular officer. Criteria for eligibility are below.  more »

2009 Revised J-1 Skills List: Countries Removed

Passport with visa stamps 115014649In accordance with the new revised 2009 J-1 Skills List, which became effective June 28, 2009, several countries (see below) have been removed from the J-1 Skills List. more »

J-1 Skills List Revised

blue ocean abstract 145836450The US Department of State has revised the J-1 Skills List. The 2009 Revised J-1 Skills List will become effective June 28, 2009. (See also 1997 J-1 Skills List, as amended.) The J-1 Skills List is a list of specialized knowledge and skills deemed necessary for the development of a J-1 Visa holder’s home country. US Consular Officers use the J-1 Skills List to determine whether a particular J-1 visa applicant is subject to the two year J-1 Home Residence Requirement under INA § 212(e). more »

H-1B Termination: Liability for Back Wages

Filed February 1, 2009 under USCIS and DHS , tagged

End of Road 135963868The Administrative Review Board (ARB) of the United States Department of Labor ruled on December 28, 2008, that an employer who failed to report the termination of an employee who held an H-1B visa is liable for back wages since that H-1B employee’s periods of unproductiveness were not due to his unwillingness or unavailability to work. more »